Nimrod Santo

6 Value-Packed Direct Response Marketing Podcasts You Must Follow in 2020

Have you been wondering how best to market your brand but are too busy running the business to learn how? While it can be difficult to expand your knowledge while running a business, doing so is one of the best things that you can do to be a successful entrepreneur.

While it can be difficult to find time in your busy schedule, podcasts have allowed you access to learning opportunities while on the go!

As an entrepreneur and a direct response marketing expert, I know that the key to success is a constant dedication to learning. How do I do this? Here are 6 value-packed direct response marketing podcasts you must follow in 2020.

Marketing Over Coffee

Marketing Over Coffee is a podcast that dives into how to leverage technology in your marketing efforts. While you might think that you know all there is to know about the importance of digital media in your marketing efforts, there are new advancements being made every single day.

Marketing Over Coffee keeps you up to speed on all the latest innovations in the field.

This Old Marketing

This Old Marketing Podcast talks about the latest in marketing trends with a side of opinion from a knowledgeable team of podcasters. Have you always heard about different ways to market your brand and wondered what worked and what didn’t? If so, The Old Marketing podcast is right for you!

Not only does this team of marketing experts teach you about the different strategies, but also gives their insight on each.

Six Pixels of Separation

Six Pixels of Separation Podcast’s hosts are veterans in the podcasting world and bring that to their show. On the air for a decade, Six Pixels of Separation works to teach you how to be more insightful about your digital marketing and direct response marketing strategies.

While they’ve been in the podcast game a long time, they show no signs of slowing down!

VB Engage

Are you a fan of all things marketing and technology? With marketing and technology so often working linked, it comes as no surprise that many find themselves interested in both.

If you are one of those people, you’re not alone and VB Engage works to teach you more about how the two work together and how you can use that to your brand’s advantage.

Seeking Wisdom

Specifically geared towards business owners, Seeking Wisdom works to make sure that you have what you need to successfully market your company on every platform. With a focus on teaching those in management, Seeking Wisdom Podcast teaches the basics to build your brand’s presence, no matter your industry or experience level.

Social Pros

Last but not least, Social Pros podcast is an award-winning podcast that gives an insightful look at successful marketing campaigns. Have you ever wondered how the most successful marketing campaigns started? How about how they continued to grow their platform?

Social Pros Podcast takes you into the strategies that have helped successful campaigns flourish and maintain their marketing success.