Nimrod Santo

How to Get Your First 1000 YouTube Subscribers (7 Easy Hacks)

If you compare YouTube from ten years ago to today, you might notice a few key differences. One of the most prominent differences? The audience.

Today, YouTube is one of the largest platforms and grows even more by the day. It’s due to this massive audience, that many YouTube videos can rack up millions of views in just a few days. How does someone go from obscurity to becoming a YouTube influencer?

Being into digital marketing and business development, I know that there is a lot that goes into creating a successful online campaign. From the content you put out to the audience you attract, there needs to be a strategy for everything and flexibility to improve that strategy.

It’s with this insight into the digital marketing realm that I’m sharing how to get your first 1000 YouTube subscribers with these seven easy hacks.

Unique Content
It’s important that you are offering something to viewers that is unique and valuable. While there are a lot of videos on YouTube, you have something to offer and communicating that effectively is key to growing an audience of any size.

12 Best Types of YouTube Content To Succeed at Growing a YouTube Channel

Frequent Posts
You can’t expect to go on the YouTube platform every other week and see results. In fact, it’s important that you post regularly to begin seeing results and audience growth. To do so, it’s important that you have a content calendar lined up and videos made in advance.

Create Engagement Opportunities

Are you using your videos to reach out to your audience? If you’re not, then you aren’t using the platform to its full capacity.

Not only does engagement heighten your posts visibility but also give more insight into what your followers (or potential followers!) want to see more of! How do you do that? Simply ask your audience how their day is going and you’re off to a great start!

Interact with Your Network

Say “hi” to your audience members one-on-one via direct messages or even through their own accounts. These more personal interactions will helps drive your reputation and level of trust between you and your network.

Expand Your Audience

Widen our horizons and reach out to members that you believe would be interested in what you have to offer on your platform. While nurturing the audience that finds you is important, using that to catapult your platform to new heights is key to long-term success.

Ask for Feedback

Building trust between you and your audience is important for a number of reasons. It’s important that you trust your audience so that they will trust you back. When needed, ask for feedback as to what they want from you and your brand so that you can deliver to them in a way that helps you and your platform grow.

Have Fun

At the end of the day, a digital marketing campaign should be fun. There’s no way for that to come across as authentic unless it’s genuine so the key to a successful campaign is to truly enjoy the ride!