Nimrod Santo

Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Online Businesses

Things I wish I had Known Before Starting an online Business

According to Siteefy, as of January 2021, there are about 2 billion active websites online. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook boast of innumerable businesses.

Large corporations, today, push their A&R and marketing team to establish an online presence for their businesses. Apps litter Google Playstore, and everyday, innovative solutions become profitable online businesses.

Zoom, Twitter, Linkedin, Upwork, GoFundMe, Instagram, Google, Microsoft, React.Js, WordPress, Shopify, Canva, Adobe Illustrator, are only a few online businesses in the world, and everyday, the list grows.

If you are an online entrepreneur looking to launch a unique product, you are in my the same shoes I was a few decades ago when I launched my first online business. Here are a few things I wish I had known before I started my online business.

Customer! Customer!! Customer!!!

Many people often carry the myth that online business models automatically mean inexhaustible pool of clientele—after all, Instagram has over a billion people and more than 4 billion people in the world have access to the internet.

The online market works differently from the on-ground market; however, they both share a few principles including, a lack of customers mean a lack of business.


You need to keep up with the current trends all the time, specially marketing trends. Marketing is the bloodline of any good business—yep, even the tech heads hire marketing and media gurus to make their products more appealing to the market.

Good marketing may—or may not save a bad product; but if a company is lackadaisical about the marketing—and thorough marketing strategies, its product may become oblivious to people—even if the product is good.

Here are a few marketing tips for online business models:

 Ease of Access

An online business should be easily accessible to all. Great graphics is good, but your website should have a clear ‘Contact Us’ section on all pages. Also, if you are just starting out, you must be accessible to clients.

If your client base is large, invest in a professional customer service team who can swiftly handle the needs, queries, and frustrations of your customers.

Before starting any kind of business, it’s always better to learn from the ones who paved the way. By doing so, you’re already learning the crucial things without having to experience failure first-hand.